Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cinder Cone

Our second stop was Cinder Cone, just outside of Snow Canyon State Park.
We've been to this park before, but this time we didn't actually go inside the State Park.  Cinder Cone is just barely outside the border of the park.  There is lava rock every where and you have to be careful as you walk the trail because much of it is loose gravel and lava rock.  Emily & Brian didn't actually go to the top of the cone, because the rock was too slippery and Em was a little fearful of the hike back down.  So Jer and I went.  The view was incredible.  Views of St. George city, Snow Canyon Park, the other cinder cone volcano.  It was a short, but steeper climb than we expected.  Perfect weather.

The Trailhead with the Cinder Cone behind (and one handsome guy!)

Time for a rest
Deb & Jer at the top

The gorgeous view, looking over at Snow Canyon State Park, which is across the street.   We've hiked the white rocks before.

Looking across the crater, you can barely make out Jeremy in the red shirt on the other side of the crater

Jeremy down in the crater, in the red shirt

close up pic of some of the lava

On the way back down, showing the steepness of the cone

Daddy holding his princess' hand to help her down the trail

Jeremy sitting on a batch of lava, looking at the mountains

Being strong on the lava!

1 comment:

  1. We're so blessed to live where there is SO much diversity in nature. I love to see the world our Heavenly Father created for us!
    Looks fun!!!
