There is a letter that we send out to parents at the beginning of the year. We teachers call it the "Sick Letter." It basically states when you should NOT allow your child to come to school....y'know, when they have green snot running out of their nose, or a wet-sounding cough, or when they are lethargic & not acting like their normal self.
Well, I've sent home several kids this year who have come to school with those symptoms. I've sent The Letter home several times too with a child, with a certain symptom circled and highlighted. I've sent The Letter home with ALL the children more than once as well.
So, now that I've been in bed all week and am going to the doctor today because I'm fairly certain I have bronchitis and I can't talk very long without coughing, which means I certainly can't sing, I'm mad....
Mad, that I can't sing, and may not be able to sing next week in the recording session....
Mad, that I cough so hard, it's hurts....
Mad, that I've missed school all week....
Mad, that I have to spend money to go to the doctor....
Mad, that I can pinpoint the moment I got sick, when that child coughed on me and I felt droplets hit my face...
Mad, that a parent didn't read The Letter & keep their sick child home...........