Our appliances are back in place. And work on the family room is coming along. It's almost finished. As much as I LOVE the tile, if I'd known this was going to be SOOO disrupting to our lives, I'm not sure I would have had the courage to go through with it.
That being said, I really love the way it looks and I'm very pleased with it.
Our new windows will not have grids & we are replacing the back door with a sliding glass door. I still have to paint the baseboards and have plenty of little paint touch-ups on the walls, which I plan to do over Christmas break. I also plan on painting my bathroom, finishing the paint/varnish on the kitchen cabinets, & possibly painting the kids' bathroom over the break. We'll see.
This is how we eat these days. For the record, this is the first time our table has been out of storage in a month. |
Looking into the Family room. This tile has been set. |
From the Family room, looking towards the kitchen. For the next 48+ hours, we can't walk into this room past the table. |
Our friend, the tile guy, hard at work! |
It's beautiful! It's one of the best things we did to our house - in a few years you'll just have memories of the disruption as you enjoy your beautiful home!