JBJ is at his first real dance tonight. He's been to a couple of dances before, but they were dances connected with a youth activity that he was attending at the time and we were always at the dance too because we happened to be chaperoning the activity.
This is JUST a dance.... with other homeschoolers.... with girls.... alone.
He met his 2 best friends there. He looked good. He has been excited for this dance for 3 days. He actually put on deodorant.
I'm not sure what to think about all this.
Brings back a lot of memories....Stake dances, Regional dances, "Jump" by Van Halen, "Faithfully" by Journey, "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, teaching Les to dance, Mitch and his Cinnamon gum, me & Amy getting ready for the dance (I'm sure we took WAY longer getting ready than the boys ever did!), going to the New Year's Eve dance 3 days after I had my wisdom teeth pulled & my face was still swollen, hiding from the Wren brothers, saving certain songs for certain people, dancing the last dance of the night not wanting it to ever end....
Good times, Good memories, Good friends.
I want JBJ to have the same experience.
My favorite almost-15 year old in the entire world |